Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), formerly known as PUBG Mobile, has seemingly made its appearance on the Google Play Store for Android smartphones, marking a return after a ban of approximately 10 months in the country. Although the game's dedicated page on the Play Store is accessible, gamers are currently unable to engage in gameplay due to certain restrictions or limitations imposed.
To access the BGMI page, users have two options: conducting a search for the game through Google Search or directly visiting the official website of BGMI and selecting the "Play" button. By following these steps, users will be redirected to the download page, where they can obtain the game at no cost.
In an official statement released by KRAFTON, it has been acknowledged that the closed test track for BGMI has undergone an update. Users who had previously signed up for the public test of the game before its official launch were expected to receive a message directing them to the Play Store for downloading the game. However, due to server shutdowns, the provided link is non-functional, preventing users from downloading the game as intended. KRAFTON recognizes that some users who did not participate in the closed test are also encountering this message in error. The company has identified this issue as a technical error and is actively working towards its resolution.
Sean Hyunil Sohn, the CEO of KRAFTON, Inc. India, conveyed his appreciation to the Indian authorities for granting permission to resume operations of BGMI. He expressed gratitude towards the Indian gaming community for their unwavering support and patience throughout the past months. Sohn also expressed his enthusiasm for the return of players to the platform, emphasizing the positive influence of gaming in fostering connections among individuals.
Sohn reiterated Krafton's strong dedication to the Indian gaming ecosystem, emphasizing that their approach has consistently placed India at the forefront of their operations. He highlighted the substantial investments Krafton has made in the Indian gaming industry, along with their active collaborations with local developers. Additionally, Krafton has been proactive in promoting the adoption of cutting-edge technologies, aiming to foster growth and innovation within the Indian gaming landscape. Sohn's remarks serve to underscore Krafton's unwavering commitment to India and their ongoing efforts to contribute to the advancement of the Indian gaming sector.
Vibhor Kukreti, Head of Government Affairs at KRAFTON, Inc. India, conveyed gratitude towards the authorities for granting permission to resume BGMI operations. He emphasized that KRAFTON, Inc. is a responsible South Korean organization that diligently adheres to the law and has taken steps to ensure regulatory compliance. Kukreti further expressed their commitment to supporting, sustaining, and promoting the growth of the gaming ecosystem in India. This statement highlights KRAFTON, Inc.'s dedication to operating in accordance with legal requirements and their aspiration to contribute to the flourishing Indian gaming industry.