Control Your Brain Or You Will Be Broke

Control Your Brain Or You Will Be Broke

Taza Blogs

A genius is the man who can do the average thing when everyone slse around him is losing his mind --- Napoleon 

hey readers my name is grow with guru and i will talk about some of my past stories and in last we will talk about conclusion okay let's start today's story

I had a friend named Manish. He had started and sold several companies. He was wildly successful 

and he had a relationship with money very strange. I'll describe it as a mixture of insecurity and childish stupidity 

He always carried a stack of ₹2000 bills several inches thick. He always showed it to everyone who wanted to see it and many who didn't. He ostentatiously and vociferously boasted about his affluence 

One day he handed one of my colleagues several thousand rupees of cash and said Go to the jewelry shop down the street and get me a few ₹82000 thousand worth of gold coins 

An hour later, gold coins in hand, Manish and his friends gathered around by a dock overlooking the Bay of Bengal. They then proceeded to throw the coins into the sea, skipping them like rocks, later I asked him why? and he told me! for fun only! 

Days later we get into a luxury five-star restaurant, Where he shattered a lamp in the restaurant. A manager told him it was a ₹40000 lamp and he'd have to pay for the lamp You want ₹40000? the Manish asked Questioningly while pulling a brick of cash from his pocket and handing it to the manager. Here 4 Lakhs Now get out of my face. And don't ever insult me like that again.You may wonder how long this behavior could last, and the answer was not long. later I got the news that Manish went broke yes he went broke 


The premise of this blog is that doing well with money has little to do with how smart you are and a lot to do with how you behave. And behavior is hard to teach, even to smart people 

A genius who loses control of their emotions can be a financial disaster. The opposite is also true. Ordinary folks with no financial education can be wealthy if they have a handful of behavioral skills that have nothing to do with formal measures of intelligence 

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