Sending High-Quality Images via WhatsApp Chats: Simple Steps to Achieve HD Quality

Sending High-Quality Images via WhatsApp Chats: Simple Steps to Achieve HD Quality

Taza Blogs

 Sending High-Quality Images via WhatsApp Chats: Simple Steps to Achieve HD Quality

It's no secret that WhatsApp is one of the most widely used messaging apps. You can easily share pics, videos, voice notes, contacts, locations, and documents with your friends and family. However, the images were usually compressed - not ideal for people wanting to share high-resolution pics. But now, thanks to an announcement from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, WhatsApp users will be able to attach HD images! Just make sure the HD icon is clicked when sending images. This feature has been tested since June and is now available to everyone. 

Just bear in mind that HD images will take up more data and storage space!

To send HD images on WhatsApp:

1. Open WhatsApp on your phone.
2. Select the chat thread you want to send the HD image.
3. Tap on the attachment icon (paperclip for Android, '+' for iOS) located at the bottom of the chat interface.
4. Choose the image you want to share from your gallery.
5. In the next screen, you'll notice an HD icon at the top, alongside other options like rotate or crop.
6. Click on the HD button to ensure high-quality image transmission.
7. After selecting HD, press the send button.
8. By default, WhatsApp sends images in standard quality to reduce file size.
9. To send an HD image, manually tap on the HD icon before sending.
10. For the recipient, the HD icon will be visible at the bottom left of the received image.

By default, WhatsApp sends all pics in basic quality. The app squishes the photo to cut down on the file size. But if you want your pic to be high-def, you gotta tap the HD button. The recipient can tell it's HD 'cause there'll be an HD icon in the lower left corner of the pic.

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